Services to Developers
We offer a range of services to developers to assist with delivery of affordable housing and in maximising its value. These services are tailored towards ‘package deal developers’ or ‘partnership developers’ who are typically looking to deliver enhanced affordable housing provision on sites.
We also offer services to house builders for the disposal of S106 affordable housing, you can find out more about these services on our dedicated S106 page.
Services we offer to developers include:
- Determining the best value unit and tenure mix for a development
- Liaising with Local Authority Housing strategy teams as required
- Preparing a brief to inform scheme design
- Advising on any Section 106 affordable housing provisions
- Provide an estimate of the price achievable from a housing association
- Identify and advise on potential housing association partners
- Secure offers from housing associations for the onward sale of affordable housing
- Negotiating terms (including leading on contract negotiations)