Two minutes with Paul Humphries

We thought it was about time you all learnt a little bit more about the team at Atticus, who we are and what it is we actually do on a day to day basis.

We're starting with Paul Humphries, Managing Director at Atticus and the driving force behind the business. 

Here's what Paul has to say in answer to our two minute quick-fire questions:

So, you set up Atticus Land and Development several years ago now, what inspired you to do this, and what makes Atticus different? 

Having worked in the social housing sector as well as the house building sector, I found elements of both that I loved and couldn’t really decide where I preferred working most.

So, I set up Atticus so I could work with both! It’s also what makes us different, our deep-rooted understanding and empathy for what drives each sector and a real appreciation for what each of them offers. 

What type of clients do you work with and what services can you offer them? 

Luckily, I’m able to work with both housing associations and house builders on a weekly basis. The services we offer are wide and varied but have a strong affordable housing theme. 

Of a morning I can be sourcing land for a housing association to build a new affordable housing development; in the afternoon helping a house builder sell their Section 106 affordable housing to an affordable housing provider. 

I love the variety and find that working with both sectors is great opportunity to learn and improve, and ensures we are well placed to help our clients identify new opportunities. 

If you could sum up Atticus in three words, what would they be…? 

Authentic, Collaborative, Flexible. 

What is your new year resolution, and will you be able to stick to it? 

I think after the last few years we’ve had; it would be to go on plenty of adventures! I hope I will be able to stick to it, but something else we've learnt is, you can never be too sure what's around the corner!


Paul Humphries